Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lake Toxaway...Day 1

Well...here we are! We left Windermere with the high expected in the low 90's and when we arrived here at Lake Toxaway, North Carolina, the temperature was in the high 60's and it felt wonderful. The weather today was not as nice as yesterday with the final 100 miles or so in overcast and sometime "showery" weather. But, as always, this place is beautiful. This is one of our favorite RV Resorts anywhere. We have found that all of the Outdoor Resorts in which we have stayed are just a touch above most others. We also noticed while driving today that the gas prices seem to be receding. Most regular unleaded was around $4.oo to $4.09. I had to fill up the motorhome with diesel and for the first time in four years the price of diesel ($3.99) was less than regular ($4.05) I can't believe that I was actually happy with $3.99 a gallon for fuel. We just happend to still have the receipt from the same QT station last year when we filled up and the price...one year ago...was $2.79! I noticed that the price of a barrell of oil was down to about $94...makes you wonder when the price of fuel will drop back to prices of a year ago. I know...fat chance!!

1 comment:

StaceyK said...

Hey there... glad your trip is going well so far. Love the pix and the posts! I'm so glad you started this blog. I don't know if I'll have access to a computer this weekend, but I'll try to check in and maybe send you a picture or two. ;) You guys have a great weekend!