Tuesday, September 30, 2008

House Bailout Vote

Now, really....have you ever seen so many grown adults acting so childish in all of your life? And...these are the people that their communities send to Washington to watch out for and take care of the people of this country. Are you kidding...the only image that I could come up with was that of the sea gulls in "Finding Nemo" just walking along and their only communication was, "mine, mine, mine!" Never have I seen such finger pointing, distortion of the truth, partisanship and total misuse of political power and authority in my life. I guess it is true that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. So many honest individuals go to Washington with high goals and noble ambitions, but it seems that almost instantly the infectious disease of power and corruption begins to seep into the very mind and souls of these well intentioned people until, like the frog in the beaker over the bunson burner, they are totally boiled to death without even knowing that the temperature has gone up...deception and greed has become the norm instead of qualities to be detested. Power more important that the people....getting elected more important that what is best for the country. Maybe it is time to clean out the whole bunch and start over again...this group sure doesn't deserve our support!

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