Monday, September 29, 2008

First Debate

In my opinion, there was no clear cut winner in the first Presidential Debate. I don't think anyone who had already made up their mind had it changed...and those who were truly undecided, didn't get enough overwhelming information to make them sign on the dotted line for either candidate. I do think that McCain fared better in a format that is much more favorable to Obama than a lot of people thought that he would. I was also surprised to see how often McCain had Obama on the defensive, rather than the other way around. McCain certainly drove home his point that he was the one with the experience to deal with the current world problems, and Obama was entirely too inexperienced and naive to be put in charge of the world's most powerful and influential nation. However, it is hard to judge just how much the current horrible financial crisis will be a benefit to Obama, even though it would be a benefit by default, certainly not earned or deserved, but a plus none the less. This next month may be the most important 31 days in the history of this wonderful and great nation.

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