Monday, December 22, 2008


Yesterday, I read with a great deal of interest the most recent data from the Rasmussen Report that 64% of Americans celebrated Christmas as a religious holiday honoring the birth of Jesus Christ. Another 27% celebrate Christmas as a secular holiday, 3% don't have a clue how they celebrate, and only 6% of all Americans do not celebrate Christmas. Now, lets look at that last number again...6% do not celebrate Christmas. If you listen to or read most media outlets you would think that number was 60%. I don't think I have ever seen such a concerted effort to reduce our National Holiday of Christmas to something a group in Washington state called "Winter Solstice." Now really! I also find it absolutely incredulous that matter what their belief...would ever be offended by someone wishing them Merry Christmas...a greeting that is offered in love and peace. How could a hope of Peace on Earth and Goodwill toward men ever be construed as anything but could it ever be offensive. Even if someone disavows the birth of a Savior, how can they not be comforted with a wish for their inner peace and goodwill offered by someone with no ill will in mind, but rather reaching out in a spirit of love. For those of us who do celebrate the gift of God's Son let us pray for and love those whose sole intent is to steal our Joy and not let it happen. Remember, God sent his Son for all of us...and all means all even those who continue to "kick against the goad."

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