Monday, September 13, 2010

The Times They Are A Changin'

Great American poet...and somewhat competent singer...Bob Dylan once said: "The Times They Are A Changin'." That could very well be the theme song for the upcoming mid-term elections in November, 2010. Back in 2008 when a disgruntled electorate went to the polls and elected Barack Obama as President, little did they know about this man they had just made the leader of the free world. Now...two years later...and much to the chagrin of a large portion of those who voted for him, the country is beginning to realise that they should have dug a little deeper into the background and thought process of this smooth talking man with the natural gift of reading a teleprompter. Little did they realize that when he said that he wanted to "fundamentally change America" that he really meant that he intended to "FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA!" Suddenly lights went on, "uh-ohs" were uttered and the stark realization set in that America has always been and will always continue to be a center-right, more conservative than liberal nation, and one that values the founding principles of this great nation more than the current hula hoop of political correctness. People began to realize that the very essence of this great nation was under attack by a hugely biased liberal media and political control by a dominant left leaning Democratic Party who were following a President with a very radical agenda. As this realization began to awaken the usually quiet and passive majority of voters, a new awareness of the inalienable rights of all Americans began to appear and real voter unrest began to galvanize into a movement to restore those ideals and principle that the original Founding Fathers envisioned when they wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America that now...supposedly...governs our country. As radical judges and uncaring politicians have taken direct aim at these foundational principles, the people are ready to take the political process into their own hands and try and restore the country back to "One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." I, for one, hope they do.

1 comment:

Pete said...

It took a while, but times are certainly changing!