Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Return of the Tiger

When Tiger Woods announced that he was returning to competitive golf at the Masters in April it was if someone had fired the gun that started the race with every journalist and broadcaster in the blocks ready to speed down their own lane of opinion and comment.
It seems that it is not only sports writers who are obsessed with this revelation, but, it appears that everyone with access to a computer or microphone is trying to find space to voice an opinion. Even the national newscasts had to made mention of this momentous event.
You would think that we had just discovered a cure for Cancer with all of the hubbub that rippled through the world of so-called journalism. Never had so many spent so much time analyzing something of so little importance….the man is going back to work.
I have a tendency to give people the benefit of the doubt. Personally, I thought his public confession was very sincere and included two or three parts of a 12 step program. I also think that journalists and broadcasters who really know none of the true facts about how Tiger and Elin are working things out should keep their overblown criticism and judgment to themselves and deal only with verifiable facts.
Those who rush to judgment about him returning to golf too soon after the devastating revelations of the past four months should take a good hard look in the mirror. What is it about their perfect lives that gives them the right to dictate time, conditions and appropriate dues-paying to someone who has just gone through the most traumatic time of his life.
It is quite probable that returning to golf is part of his therapy and rehab. The worst thing that Tiger could do would be to sit around the house and get more and more despondent. As long as he is sincerely facing his demons and truly trying to turn his life around, then we do not need to condemn, we need to support.

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