Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Little Old Gaffe Maker

It seems that almost every single day Vice President Joe Biden manages to stick his foot in his mouth with a new and, most times, very amusing gaffe. Remember those critics who were yelling loudly about their concern of Sarah Palin being a heart beat away from the presidency. Well...I wonder how they feel now about Biden...and worse yet...just two heart beats away from the presidency is..........Nancy Pelosi!!!!! Think about this unbelievable line of succession. I still believe that Sarah Palin had more practical, real world management experience than all three of them...combined!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No question about Sarah Palin having more practical (and successful) experience than the three stooges.

The McCain people never utilized her correctly.

Going to CBS and ABC before Fox and talk radio violated every rule in Politics 101.

Now we are paying for the stupidity of the McCain "braintrust."