Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Eye of the Tiger

Can you believe it? He did it again. For the second year in a row, Tiger Woods sunk a long putt to win the Arnold Palmer Invitational at Bay Hill! Unbelievable. As Johnny Miller said, "Tiger Woods may be the best clutch putter in the history of golf." Amen and Amen! If it had been me in that position the putter would have exploded in my hands and the ball would have wound up in the middle of the lake. When ask which part of Tiger's game you would most like to have, many professionals have said, "his mental game." No one can focus on the golf course like Tiger Woods. It is so evident that he relishes these moments of intensity...having to sink a putt on the 72nd green to win a tournament. All of the greats have this ability...Michael Jordan loved to take the last shot with the game on the line...Tim Tebow has to carry the ball when one yard will win the game...and Albert Pujols is who you want up to bat in the bottom of the 9th with two out to get the hit that will win the game. It's "the eye of the tiger"...and it Tiger Woods case, it is literal and not just a figure of speech. Oh, to have that focus in the most important game of life!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Obama Speak

Have you noticed that even though President Obama speaks with a great deal of sincerity, confidence and polish...that what he says, when you really think about the words and not the presentation, are disturbing. So much is just reiteration trying to convince the American People that his desire to move us to big government and Socialism is a good thing...it is not!

Also...I have never seen the government run any thing better than business people who actually know what they are doing. So many of those in Washington...in the Administration as well as Congress...have never had a real job...or been in charge of anything except taxpayer money. It seems all they know how to do is spend our money...and not very well, at that. No...big government and big debt is not the answer. This is a nation of entrepreneurs and just because a group of greedy Wall Streeters and bankers put us in this mess, it doesn't mean that smart, competent American businesspeople can't get us out of it.

March Madness

Personally, I think it should be called "March Funness"...if there is such a word. This is absolutely the best three weeks of the year for any college basketball fan. The first weekend is the best basketball you will see all year. Every one of the 64 teams thinks, in their own heart, that they can be National Champions...and that is wonderful because they all play like it. Now...realism takes hold in a lot of cases, but there is always that one, or two, or three upsets that no one can believe...."How in the world did Sienna beat Ohio State". That's what makes it so much fun.

Now...having said that...let me also state that if I had entered the ESPN national bracket contest I would probably be somewhere in two or three millionth place...but, you know what...I sure have had fun trying to pick winners and not letting my brackets get entirely busted. I only have two of the final four teams...but...both of them I have playing the finals next Monday night. And...that would be North Carolina beating Connecticut for the National title.

I know, I know...you are laughing because you have one of the other three winning.....isn't this fun!!!!!