Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Rather Shaky Start

It is a little surprising that Barack Obama has managed in just a little over two weeks on the job to alienate so many of those who supported and voted for him. His first two executive orders to close Gitmo and overturn the order to not provide funding for abortions out of the country raised more than a few eyebrows of those who do not tilt left of center. Now, even the New York Times is lowering their "slobbering" Bernard Goldberg calls it...level and actually taking a somewhat objective look at this shaky start. And...when Maureen Dowd steps down off the band wagon you know something is really askew. Also, according to the Rasmussen Report the tide of public opinion is rapidly turning against the so called Stimulus Bill as passed by the House. The $900 billion bill is being seen for what it really is...a Christmas tree filled with every liberal ornament that has been conjured up over the past eight years. the pundits have been saying for some time that Obama will say anything to anybody to get elected... seems to be becoming more and more evident. A few day ago he was saying the House Stimulus bill must be passed in its entirety to save this country...well, now it seems that maybe some of the items may need to come out as they don't really create jobs and stimulate the economy. Really? Didn't he read the bill before he started applauding it? Or, did he rely on the opinion of the same people who told him that Tim Geitner and Tom Daschle only had minor glitches on their record and don't worry about those little tax issues. Isn't it amazing that all of this has happened in only two weeks. My word...what can we expect in two years?

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