I love Christmas!!! I love everything about it! I love that "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." I love that a world pauses to reflect upon this eternal promise that began its fulfillment 2000 years ago in a stable in Bethlehem. I love that, somehow, even the hardest of hearts seems to melt just a little during this time of year. I love that people seem more gentle and kind and considerate. I love shopping for my wife. I love the look in her eyes when she opens one of my presents and genuinely likes it. I love my family as we gather around the dinner table and partake in one of the best meals of the year that includes laughter, joy and love. I love driving around and looking at all of the decorations that so many put up to celebrate the season. I love getting up early each morning and turning on the lights of our Christmas tree that stays lit all day...it really gets my day off to a wonderful start. I love reading the Christmas story in Matthew and Luke. What I don't like...is when it all ends and we take everything down. Let the Christmas spirit fill us all, all year long.