Thursday, November 25, 2010


Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays, and I have been saddened to see how we, as a nation, have just let it slip into relative unimportance. The commercial establishments long ago just decided to jump straight from Halloween to Christmas because nobody gave gifts on Thanksgiving, so, why in the world should anybody promote a time when they can't make a buck or two. I'll tell you why...because everyone in this country needs to stop and remember that we live in the "land of the free" for a reason. That, like it or not, we are "one nation under God" and like those brave people who risk all to travel to a new land where they could worship as they pleased and knew it was by the provincial hand of God that they survived and offered up their thanks in the only way they knew how. It was not until 1863 that President Abraham Lincoln declared that our entire nation needed a day to stop and thank God for His hand of blessing on our nation and our people. He did not proclaim a day of "food and football"...he said: "It is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God; to confess their sins and transgressions in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon. We have been recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven...But we have forgotten God. We have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray. I do therefore invite my set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a day of Thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens." Let us all think about these words...let us all stop and reflect on all of our blessings...and, let us all truly celebrate a day of Thanksgiving!!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Good News and Bad News!

The mid-term elections are finally over! I think everyone has seen and heard all of the political commercials we need to deal with for a while...thank goodness we finally get a break. As the dust begins to settle and we all sit back and take a deep breath and try and figure out exactly what happened...a few things seem to rise to the top of awareness. What we have is good news and bad news. First the good seems that all across the country (with the exception of California) Americans began to realize that the "hope and change" that was being implemented by the Obama administration, was not the "hope and change" they had voted for: this seemingly steady march toward Euro-socialism is not what made America great. Socialism has never worked..anywhere at any time. Free enterprise and personal accountability separated the United States of America from everyone else and the ingenuity and creative power of the people who knew they had a chance to succeed or fail kept the flame glowing. No one was promised a safety net and Americans accepted the challenge and thrived. As has been pointed out over and over again this shift in power of more than 60 seats in the House of Representatives is the largest move since 1938. Why is this important? Because the HR is the ONLY branch of government that has to stand up to scrutiny and approval every two years...and this year the citizens said loud and clear that their Representatives had not been doing the will of the people. To paraphrase something I read from an's "We the People"...not..."We the Congress." Arrogance and condescension is being exposed and replaced. Now...will the new Republican majority do any better? Time will tell...and if they don't respond to the will of the people in two years a new group will be given a chance. I don't think that America is again going to lapse back into the coma and lack of attention that brought an unprepared and extremist teleprompter reader into the most powerful office in the world. Accountability is the new watch word. The other good news is that the people of central Florida rose up and overwhelmingly got rid of the vile and vitriolic knucklehead, Alan Grayson. Arrogant doesn't begin to describe his total disregard for truth and civility..I'm not sure what word would describe his embarrassing campaign that, apparently, figured that all central Floridians were stupid and gullible...not so, huh Alan! Now for the bad news...Harry Reid will be back as Senate Majority Leader and is still as misguided as he has been for the last two years. Also...Barney Frank is back, but luckily this time he will not be chairman of anything and hopefully will not be able to lead us down the road to financial ruin as has been the case for the last four years. Also, I guess the people of California were too engrossed into whether to legalize pot than really look at the state of their state and elected Barbara Boxer and Jerry Brown. Unbelievable! Two tired and worn out free spending liberals leading the weak and clueless. We can all just wait for their cry to Washington to bail them out. So there we have it...a chance for a small step back to sanity. The liberals still control two thirds of the government...but, we can only hope...and prepare for 2012.