We used to often say when we were traveling in the motorhome and were surprised by places we visited, “I don’t know what we expected, but this isn’t it!” That was exactly the way we felt today driving through Izmir, Turkey on the way to Ephesus. Judging from the clothing worn by the Izmirites, the cars they drive and the businesses along the streets and highways, it could have been any major metropolitan city in the US. Izmir is a modern, bustling and cosmopolitan city of over three million people that is much more Western than Middle Eastern. We were also surprised by how many signs were written in English…especially those tourist oriented like, “restaurant” and “gift shop” and my favorite….”Genuine Fake Watches!!!”
Ephesus was also so much more than we had anticipated. The ruins are in a constant state of continued unveiling and the excavation will go on for years to come. I just didn’t realize, even after doing some research as I taught the Book of Acts and Ephesians, just how large and modern Ephesus was for its day. The beautiful marble stone streets and walkways, the beautiful buildings and temples, the large public baths and market places, and the absolutely lovely homes and first century apartments. I was amazed at the size of the amphitheater knowing that the Apostle Paul and his companions were brought before a mob of angry citizens in this very place two thousand years ago. If this were the only stop on this cruise, it would have been worth it just to walk theses streets and see the beauty of this once golden age city.
Ephesus was also so much more than we had anticipated. The ruins are in a constant state of continued unveiling and the excavation will go on for years to come. I just didn’t realize, even after doing some research as I taught the Book of Acts and Ephesians, just how large and modern Ephesus was for its day. The beautiful marble stone streets and walkways, the beautiful buildings and temples, the large public baths and market places, and the absolutely lovely homes and first century apartments. I was amazed at the size of the amphitheater knowing that the Apostle Paul and his companions were brought before a mob of angry citizens in this very place two thousand years ago. If this were the only stop on this cruise, it would have been worth it just to walk theses streets and see the beauty of this once golden age city.