Wednesday, January 21, 2009


It became so obvious yesterday that one of the problems that George W. Bush faced over the past eight years was not his ability to make very hard decisions, but his failure to communicate his intentions in a smooth, confident and positive way. His inability to be the "great communicator" was a huge factor in his inability to inspire the nation with faith and confidence in his decisions. Even if Obama makes some bad decisions, his communication skills are going to allow him much more flex room than George W ever was accorded....not to mention...of course...a media that will never look beneath the surface and will give him every benefit of the doubt...another positive that W never had. So sad for such a bright and compassionate man to be so misunderstood.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An Historic Day

It sure seems as if the media is trying to make this "Coronation" Day instead of Inauguration Day. However, no matter how much hoopla and overzealous posturing we make today tomorrow will dawn with the same problems facing this great nation as we have today. Like almost all Americans I hope with all of my heart that Barack Obama will be a good...if not great...president. I hope that he will surround himself with wise advisers who may have some solutions to this ever deepening financial well as the wars that rage all over the world. The wars that are fought against those so opposed to the American way of life that they willingly give up their own lives just to kill a few who may disagree with them. This is all so is the way of the world today. I also think that history will be a lot kinder to George W. Bush than the current media pundits have been (I don't even consider the lunatic Left that so controls the Internet with their hateful web sites). He did make some miscalculations, but when you have to make hard decisions all you can use to help make those decision is the best information available at the time. If the future proves some of the information to be faulty, it is outrageous to accuse the decision maker of willfully misleading anyone. The fact that America has not been attacked in the seven years since 9/11 should count for something. I also hope that Barack Obama understands that every single person in the country has a different idea as to what "Change We Can Believe In" really means. I hope and pray that he understands that this great nation became great because of Democracy and Capitalism...not Socialism. I hope and pray that Dick Morris was wrong last night when he said in four years we will resemble France more than we do the America of the past hundred years. I hope and pray that the "responsibility" Obama talks about is real and that all of us will step up and be accountable...that everyone will look for "hand ups" not "hand outs." I hope and pray that we will become a nation of workers and not simply observers standing in line at the alter of government handouts and benefits. Can we do it? Yes. Will we do it? Only time and God can reveal that. May God bless America.

Monday, January 19, 2009

CSI Miami

I am becoming more and more convinced that if you removed all of the scenes with David Caruso standing with his head cocked, with his hands on his hips, or taking off his sunglasses...each episode of CSI Miami would be 4 1/2 minutes long!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Go Gators!

How 'bout them Gators!!! Two National Championships in three years...and...on top of was a very exciting game. Big plays...blown plays...and, in my opinion, the confirmation that Tim Tebow is the best football player in the county. Did he have the best passing Did he rush for more yards than anyone Did he show the kind of leadership ability, character, and physical skills that should determine the Heisman Trophy winner....absolutely!. It is still beyond my comprehension how 156 so called followers of college football could have left him off of their Heisman ballot...unless...this supposedly pure and ethical system of selecting the most outstanding football player of the year...has, like most everything else, become so politicized that the real qualifications for the award get lost in the biases of "homers" who could just not stomach someone like Tebow...a quality person as well as a quality football player...winning the award two years in a row. Oh is just a shame...but, I guess quality wills out in the big game when no one could dispute that in the fourth and most important quarter the Gators controlled the ball for over ten minutes mainly on the will and skill of one Tim Tebow. Good for you Tim! Show class...share the spotlight with your much deserving teammates...and enjoy the will never be taken away.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Can you believe we all survived 2008? Is 2009 really as scary as the media would lead us to believe? Is Barack Obama really Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy reincarnate? Was George Bush the worst President in American history? Will Britney Spears ever find happiness? Will the media ever stop boring us with stories about Britney Spears? All of these questions could be debated for the next 365 days and never would all of us agree on all or perhaps even any of the answers. We all see things through our own set of of predetermined glasses. There are very few things that all Americans agree on...and that is fine...the major issue that I personally believe that we must address this year as responsible, loyal Americans is how to disagree without being disagreeable. Just because I may not agree with you does not mean I hate you or anything you believe...I just don't agree with you. I find it amazing that those who scream so loudly for tolerance are, for the most part, the most intolerant people around. If you don't agree with them you are not given the respect that they demand, tolerance, but you are condemned and falsely accused of every evil they can conjure up...and that includes a lot of evil. This is where we must begin. We are all entitled to our beliefs and everyone...let me repeat...everyone is entitled to fight for and support those beliefs without being falsely labeled and accused of bigotry or any other hateful term. I find that when people can not legitimately defend their position they usually revert to name calling, yelling and hurling unsubstantiated allegations. Use this as a barometer the next time you either experience or hear hate speech.

Now...with that said...we do still live in the greatest nation on earth. Never have so many people with so many different ethnic backgrounds and diverse religions and beliefs (or lack of beliefs) ever existed with so much freedom to express those views. For this we should all give thanks to God. I know that I would not want to live anywhere else. This country may have a lot of warts...but, they are our warts...let us try and live in peace this year and may God make His face to shine upon us.